Dragon Age RPG Set 3

Dragon Age RPG Developer Will Hindmarch posted an update about Set 3 over at the Green Ronin forums, which I am linking and quoting parts of below:

Set 3 files are in editing and approvals and re-development (in response to editing and approvals) even now. Things continue to move forward with new DLC for Dragon Age and the Adventure Game Engine. DLC releases will resume in the new year, although perhaps sporadically as the schedule for those gets ironed out.

And regarding the future of the Dragon Age RPG and AGE System, Hindmarch adds:

Please know that when it comes to the future of the Dragon Age line, Green Ronin wants you to be happy with the game and with your experiences playing it. Chris Pramas created a wonderful game, running on a terrific engine, and the game and engine are approaching an exciting year of new talent and new products. Please stay tuned to the forums and the Ronin Roundtables — I think you’ll be glad you did.

All signs point to a PDF release in January 2013, with the physical boxed set sometime in the spring. While, like every fan, I’m a bit bummed about the delay, I have no problem waiting. I understand the process of dealing with a licensor that has to approve material and how that can affect release schedules, so I can appreciate Green Ronin’s position. In the end, I know we’ll have a fantastic set for the game, and that’s all that matters.